Thursday, November 6, 2008

13 Months Update

Little man is not so little. He weighs 24 lbs 6 oz as of last Monday. He is 32 inches high and is in the 90th percentile in height and head circumference. He is in the 75th percentile in weight. I guess I was a little worried we would be told to lay off the food. It seems Dylan is just a big boy overall, not overweight or anything. At least that is what I heard from that conversation with his pediatrician.

We are due for our first post placement. I am actually excited about this. If nothing else, I hope that the Kyrgyz government reads the report and sees how good this adoption is for our lttle Kyrgyz munchkin, among the many other post placements from other families that I am sure say the same. In light of any negative press international adoption has recently gotten, I hope this helps dispel the untruth.


Jackie said...

You must be so proud :) He is such a QT!

Jeanne said...

What a doll! He's a healthy, big boy--about as big as my son was at 2 years old!

Anonymous said...

Love the hat- and that smile!

Hilary Marquis said...

Way to go big boy! He's just good and healthy and sturdy :) My son Toby is built like that and we call him "Tank"! He sure is a cute little guy, love the grin.

Margaret and Tom said...

OH He is so cute in that Kyrgz hat...I just took one of Milana in her hat too, she has a rather big head so unfortunately it is already a bit tight so she may not get to wear it much this winter :)

Monica said...

Just a beautiful big happy boy... and I do hope the Kyrgyz gov't sees that too! Thx.