Thursday, March 6, 2008

And the Feds Say....

YES, we are deemed able to care for and provide for D.

I don't usually update my blog from work but I just found out from Bill that the I-171H came in the mail today. What a sigh of relief... or more like, scream of joy.

Now we just have to hope that Mr. Kyrygzstan judge has recovered from his illness and shows up to work this week.


Anonymous said...

Great news! Yea!! Finally some really good news!

Gen 's Family Story said...

Don't you just love that wording, you are deemed acceptable and fit, I think every parent should have that requirement! Congrats, what a relief. I'm so happy for you guys, so much closer to D now!!

Jackie said...

Yayyy, woo hoo, and congrats on today's news. You are getting closer and closer to your little man.

Lisa Brotherton said...

Yoo Hoo!
Can't wait to hear the next good news.

Hilary Marquis said...

Finally! I am relieved for you. You're in the homestretch now!

Anonymous said...

Finally, what a relief! So happy for you's praying for a quick court date!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! One less thing and one step closer :)

Rachel said...

Oh, this IS good news! I'm on board with everyone else...praying for a quick court so you can bringing your little one home!

Margaret and Tom said...

I am so happy for step closer to "Gotcha-Day"...