Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Dylan

Dylan celebrated his first birthday today. Bill and I are so ecstatic to be celebrating his big day with him as a family.

However, I can't help but feel a nagging ache in my heart for his birthmother. Was she thinking about him? Was she sad she couldn't hold him and celebrate with him? I don't think she knows where he ended up so she probably doesn't have a clue where this wonderful boy is now and how big he has gotten. She doesn't know how smart he is and that his first sign language is to show you where his tummy is. She doesn't know that he eats like a champ and that he is almost standing, and how he just delights everyone he meets, and how he loves the water. I just wish I could let her know somehow that he is with us and he is happy and growing well and most importantly, he is loved by so many, most of all by his new mommy and daddy.

As for celebrating, we are having a real party for him this Saturday. Since today is the actual day, we had to have a private celebration as well. We thought we would give him cake first, just a little bit, and then feed him dinner. 10 minutes later, I am mesmerized by Dylan devouring the cake that I can't put my camera down to actually take the cake away.

When we finally cut him off the sugar binge, he proceeded to eat his regular dinner of sweet potatoes, green beans and meatballs. After all, it probably tasted so good with all the frosting on them.

This is how it happened. We think he had a blast. What do you think?

We thought we were going to be screwed for sure. He will never go to sleep, but it turned out that isn't the case. We had to try a couple of times because he got startled by a fire engine siren the first time (oh the joys of living across the street from the fire department), but he went to sleep without any issues. I just can't help but feel so fortunate that Dylan seems very well adjusted, bonded and happy. Tonight, I sat on our rocker with the lights turned down and he laid in my arms, sucked his thumb and held my hand in his other one while he rubbed it lightly over his cheek and looked up at my face. It was so precious, filled with so much understanding (much as can be expected from a one year old anyway) that he is where he belongs, and that this, we, are his home. I thought my heart was going to explode with joy.


Maria said...

Thanks for the laugh and the tears. What a beautiful tribute to Dylan, his birthmom and his family. AND, the photos of cake -- priceless!! He's a boy after my own heart. I wish I had the guts to dig into cake like that because it's absolutely what I WANT to do. :-) Hugs to the little man.

Jackie said...

What fabulous cake images. I can't wait to see the big bash pics!!

What a lovely post :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dylan!! What a beautiful post. Those pictures are awesome!

Jeanne said...

Happy 1st Birthday to your handsome boy!

Karen D said...

Hey Ivy - I LOVED seeing the video of him crawling!!! And it sounds like you ALL really enjoyed the cake. What an amazing few months.
Happy Birthday Dylan!!

Margaret and Tom said...

Happy Birthday Dylan! Love the shots of him eating his cake...as it should be, in my opinion...FIRST!

Margaret and Tom said...

I was just showing Milana the pictures of Baby Dylan, and she got sooo excited to see him with his cake :) She was "talking" to Baby Dylan and cooing at him, it was so cute, I had to tell you!