Friday, May 30, 2008

Some Peace

Settling in with our daily life here. Nothing exciting and new. I'm just coming to terms with how things are. The fact that everyone does things differently even just in daily life somewhat helps me come to grips why agencies have to treat each family's situation differently. Once I accepted that, I am more at peace. The fact is that the agencies have one common purpose, to find homes for these babies. Otherwise, I would continue to go nuts about why we are now only getting to see our baby again when we travelled back in December. I'm just happy to get to hold him while I am here, regardless of how the details get worked out. I hope all you blog friends who are reading and waiting find some peace in knowing that.


Margaret and Tom said...

Ivy, I love the countdown ticker to when you "bust Dylan out of the baby house" Only 2 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jumping for joy for you guys!

Lisa Brotherton said...

I LOVE your new count down! Hilarious!
You go girl!

Suzanne said...

Thank you for that insight, Ivy.

Big hugs-

April + Eric said...

Oh so nice to see. He is just as cute as a bug in a hat...we'll something like that. Yeah!

Warmly, April