I really need to find a way to brighten my outlook. This past month since coming home from trip 1 has been so hard. We miss of little munchkin so terribly and I can't figure out what to do with myself. I couldn't bring myself to update this blog and I could barely participate or keep up with the Yahoo group. I just didn't want to subject anyone else to my gloom.
We have had and continue to have challenges with CIS and the Embassy of Kygyzstan and all this has caused us major anxieties. We still don't have our I-171H and despite going to our homestudy social worker and to our congressman's office, nothing has helped. I could no longer just sit and wait. I finally decided that we need to take our shot at going to the CIS office in person. My sister Joanne found how we could make an appointment. So we made one for this past Monday.
Bill and I went through every possible argument or counter argument the CIS may have for us as to why we should shut up and patiently wait for the paperwork to get done. I gave myself the butterflies in anticipation. I was ready for the worst but really hoped it would not be so bad. In my view, it was better to get bad news than to stay where we were at that moment, which is NO NEWS.
We take BART over to the city on Monday and when we got there, there wasn't a line around the block or anything even close. We got checked in right away and was given a number. While sitting there, I noticed banners saying "Celebrating Customer Service Week". Wow, yeah, we're off to a good start.
Finally our number was called and when we got to the counter (I was expecting private offices - not sure why my mind never envisioned counters), the CIS officer told us he wasn't that familiar with Orphan Petitions so we had to wait for the lady who handles these. Despite my initial dread that we would end up being called by him, he turned out to be very nice. Great, celebrating customer service week is working so far.
We sit back down and patiently wait for the lady who was monopolizing our CIS officer's time to finish her business. It took everything I had not to peel her away from that counter so we can have our turn. It seemed like forever but finally she walked away and was done. Our turn. Time to cash in on Customer Service Week.
I have to say that it wasn't all that bad. She was very nice. She let us know that there are more officers now being assigned to work on Orphan Petitions so things should be moving more quickly again. Then, she confirmed our names and went upstairs to check our file. She came back down shortly after to let us know that they have all the documents we sent but they needed other ones. She would not or could not tell us what the letter said but only that it was dated January 18. The funny thing is that at one point, I asked her a specific question and she said she couldn't give me that answer because I wasn't Bill. And for the sake of his privacy, she couldn't discuss it. Mind you, Bill was standing next to me this whole time. But in all fairness, it never dawned on me to offer to go wait somewhere else so she can give him the super secret answers. That's probably because I am a logical person. Whatever. That was weird.
Well, I guess there was nothing else to do but wait for the letter to arrive via snail mail. She suggested we wait another week to see if the letter comes. Then she made it sound like it wouldn't be long after that before we receive our approval. So at the end of this episode, we were left feeling hopeful again, which is 100% better than absolutely deflated. Oh, and she smiled at us reassuringly while talking to us. Maybe she was celebrating Customer Service Week with us.
Hopeful is not the same as helpless. It is now Wednesday the letter has yet to reveal itself in our mailbox. I have made another appointment for next Monday just in case that letter still doesn't arrive tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. I also plan on showing up every week until we get some answers.
We have had and continue to have challenges with CIS and the Embassy of Kygyzstan and all this has caused us major anxieties. We still don't have our I-171H and despite going to our homestudy social worker and to our congressman's office, nothing has helped. I could no longer just sit and wait. I finally decided that we need to take our shot at going to the CIS office in person. My sister Joanne found how we could make an appointment. So we made one for this past Monday.
Bill and I went through every possible argument or counter argument the CIS may have for us as to why we should shut up and patiently wait for the paperwork to get done. I gave myself the butterflies in anticipation. I was ready for the worst but really hoped it would not be so bad. In my view, it was better to get bad news than to stay where we were at that moment, which is NO NEWS.
We take BART over to the city on Monday and when we got there, there wasn't a line around the block or anything even close. We got checked in right away and was given a number. While sitting there, I noticed banners saying "Celebrating Customer Service Week". Wow, yeah, we're off to a good start.
Finally our number was called and when we got to the counter (I was expecting private offices - not sure why my mind never envisioned counters), the CIS officer told us he wasn't that familiar with Orphan Petitions so we had to wait for the lady who handles these. Despite my initial dread that we would end up being called by him, he turned out to be very nice. Great, celebrating customer service week is working so far.
We sit back down and patiently wait for the lady who was monopolizing our CIS officer's time to finish her business. It took everything I had not to peel her away from that counter so we can have our turn. It seemed like forever but finally she walked away and was done. Our turn. Time to cash in on Customer Service Week.
I have to say that it wasn't all that bad. She was very nice. She let us know that there are more officers now being assigned to work on Orphan Petitions so things should be moving more quickly again. Then, she confirmed our names and went upstairs to check our file. She came back down shortly after to let us know that they have all the documents we sent but they needed other ones. She would not or could not tell us what the letter said but only that it was dated January 18. The funny thing is that at one point, I asked her a specific question and she said she couldn't give me that answer because I wasn't Bill. And for the sake of his privacy, she couldn't discuss it. Mind you, Bill was standing next to me this whole time. But in all fairness, it never dawned on me to offer to go wait somewhere else so she can give him the super secret answers. That's probably because I am a logical person. Whatever. That was weird.
Well, I guess there was nothing else to do but wait for the letter to arrive via snail mail. She suggested we wait another week to see if the letter comes. Then she made it sound like it wouldn't be long after that before we receive our approval. So at the end of this episode, we were left feeling hopeful again, which is 100% better than absolutely deflated. Oh, and she smiled at us reassuringly while talking to us. Maybe she was celebrating Customer Service Week with us.
Hopeful is not the same as helpless. It is now Wednesday the letter has yet to reveal itself in our mailbox. I have made another appointment for next Monday just in case that letter still doesn't arrive tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. I also plan on showing up every week until we get some answers.
It is so good to have an update from you, although I wish it were better news. I really really feel for you guys. It has to be so difficult- no one could blame you for your gloom! We all sympathize, and really hope that CIS comes through very very quickly for you after all this waiting. Very soon, D will be home forever and it will seem like you have never been without him!
Good for you Ivy! It never hurts to ask, right? I pray your I 171-H comes before Monday...Customer Service week may be over then! Margaret (Kyrgyzstan group)
Good for you! I have a feeling you may receive it before Monday, here's hoping!
You go girl! They should know better than to mess with a mother whose baby is waiting for her! I so hope you get that letter this weekend and know what they still need. At least you know that they have your file and have reviewed it.
I'm glad you braved the CIS and are even going back if it doesn't show up. Our first one took a while too but it all worked out in the end!! Hope you hear soon!
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