Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Showers of Baby Showers

Oh my goodness, baby showers are way more fun than I thought they would be. We have had 3 so far. I got a shared baby shower at work with my coworker who is pregnant. Then my family threw one for us in L.A. over Martin Luther King weekend. Bill's coworkers, since they are located in southern California, decided he must also have a virtual baby shower.

Everyone has been super generous. We got clothes, towels, diapers, stylish diaper bag, toys, bath stuff, crib, glider, pack and play, stroller, activity center, rocking horse, medicine, wipes, chair, etc, etc. As boxes have continued to roll in, Bill now knows the UPS and Fedex guys. You name it, we probably got it, and we haven't spent more than $20 ourselves.

We also have one more baby shower that MK is throwing for us. She insists we keep putting things on the registry. I could get used to this. Now we just need the baby to come home and enjoy what everyone has so generously lavished on him.

I also can't help but want to share photos on this blog. And even though I am still encouraged not to publish openly, I feel like I need to share him with the world. In an earlier post, before we met D, I was worried about hands and feet. Then we got photos with his hands in them, at which point, I only had feet to obsess on. Well, I'm proud to present my son's perfect little feet!

Oh what the hell, here he is in all his glory, getting a baby massage.


Anonymous said...

Yea for baby showers! Enjoy the attention now...once he is home you will become invisible and everyone will be cooing over D. Trust me, you walk through the door, they snatch him could disappear to Starbucks for 2 hours and they would never notice you are gone!

Love the pictures...perfect little piggies!

Margaret and Tom said...

Oh my goodness, D is sooo cute (I can tell even from the back)! I can't wait until you bring him home and I can see his smile!

Unknown said...

From the angle of that last pic he looks like Beckett :) Too cute! I wish I had thought to do the body part pics on my blog when we were waiting.

Sounds like you're having a blast with the baby showers!

mel@livvyloowho said...

Cutest baby bum ever. How precious. Thanks for sharing!

Gen 's Family Story said...

What a great shot!!! Looks like the same place M was in. That's fantastic the generosity of your friends!!! Like Jamie said, enjoy it now, as they get older you find that there are more things they need!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, we have a video of Isabel getting her massage. It's so sweet how they do that at the baby house. She loved getting her massage.

You're almost to the home stretch. This is the hardest part...the waiting after you're so in love. Hang in there!
